Anacortes and Whidbey island photographer

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US NAVY Homecoming

Another blog worthy gallery!I love all my galleries but let’s me honest, this one is really special!

Homecoming! If you are a military spouse you know what I am talking about and if not I am sure you will understand looking at these images. The D day you have been waiting for very very long months is finally here. It’s an emotional rollercoaster, you are happy, nervous, relieved, grateful and proud. You are all the emotions mixed together.

While lifestyle family sessions are somewhat prepared, they are timed for the perfect light, the location is chosen to be beautiful and everyone is rested and styled, homecomings are a different story. It’s all about the moment, the momentarily emotions, the long awaited day of daddy coming back home! And as I say, I always prefer emotion over perfection, so these are perfect to me.

I was so honored to be part of the family G’s homecoming. Ashley’s husband was gone twice for six months in the past year and half. You don’t need to be a matematian to realize that it’s most of his son’s life! I am so happy I get to meet so many inspiring, independent, strong navy spouses! Deployments are the harderst part of our lifestyle but I 100%. believe they make you a stronger woman and definitely more confident one while you take care of your small human beings, the household, the car, the bills, your job, emergency situations….. all while you husband is somewhere out there fighting for the democracy.

Have your handkerchief ready and enjoy the sweetest reunion of the family!